Introducing the Freedom Companions

I'm excited to announce the publication of my new books, "The Freedom Companion for Stopping Skin Picking" and "The Freedom Companion for Stopping Hair Pulling". A nail biting book is on the way in just another week or so.

These are beautiful, functional, well thought-out journals designed to help you stop your unwanted behavior. Although I knew that, I got really excited the first time I showed one to one of my coaching clients and her face absolutely lit up.

These workbooks serve as a daily dose of positivity and accountability you need each day to stay on track as you work to reduce your unwanted behaviors.If you remember the concept of positive logging from my book, "Skin Picking: The Freedom to Finally Stop" or from your coaching program with me, the Freedom Companion takes the concept of positive logging and makes it ten times easier and better.

Here is the book description for the skin picking one, straight off the back cover. (The hair pulling and nail biting ones are similar):

The Freedom Companion for Stopping Skin Picking: A daily dose of positivity and accountability to lead you to success

Stopping skin picking is hard. The Freedom Companion makes it easier by getting you to focus on the positive, not the picking

  • How the Freedom Companion helps you reduce your skin picking:

  • Helps you implement what you learned in therapy or from the book, "Skin Picking: The Freedom to Finally Stop."

  • Provides you accountability when you're working alone

  • Employs proven positive psychology mood-lifters

  • Encourages repeated positive actions that reduce picking

  • Makes your efforts more consistent

  • Helps you make habits of actions you need to succeed

  • Acts as a daily reminder of all the various actions you could take

  • Helps you recognize and appreciate your progress

  • Keeps you inspired and on-track for months at a time

  • Helps you figure out what variables affect your picking

  • Gets you to feel more empowered in your life

Sounds great, right? So many benefits. If you want to see me explain why and how to use the Freedom Companion in more detail and see the journaling pages inside, watch the video below.


Lauren McKeaney is "Picking Me" over her BFRB


New Year's Resolutions and Better Habits in the New Year