Do you…

  • Pick at your skin uncontrollably?

  • Pop pimples, squeeze pores, tear cuticles or pull off scabs compulsively?

  • Try and try to stop, but without success?

  • Spend a lot of time either picking or worrying about picking and its consequences?

  • Feel ashamed of how your skin looks, and go to extreme lengths to hide it or cover it up?

I used to be like you. But guess what?

You don’t have to deal with this Forever!

Let me help you Break Free!

Schedule a Free Intro Session:

Client Success Stories…

“I have been free from skin picking for over five months”

As an adult, I found myself with a new habit – picking my face in the bathroom mirror, for hours on end. I fell into a cycle of shame and self-loathing, and would go weeks telling myself that I was strong enough on my own to make it stop, without help or guidance… only to have the cycle start all over again. One morning, after a serious bout in front of the bathroom mirror, I knew I had to make a change. Annette has given me the tools to manage my impulse to pick, and has taught me techniques to manage my anxiety. I have been free from skin picking for over five months, and I wake up in the morning knowing my face is smooth and clear. Annette is warm, patient and without judgement or pretense. She has truly made a huge impact in my day to day life. I employ the techniques she has given me every day, and I have a deeper understanding of how I can be kind to myself.- Shannon

“Finding Annette was a God-send!”

Annette’s program has turned my world around.  I have struggled with skin picking, mostly on my arms, for the last 8 years and it progressively got worse and worse until I realized I needed professional help.  I felt hopeless and trapped and didn’t know where to go.  Finding Annette was a God-send!  In our private coaching sessions, she guided me through the process, step by step, to successfully eliminate my bad skin picking habits.  She helped me get down to the root of why I pick and we built my battle plan based off of that.  Annette gave me new strategies to try every week that built upon each other and so many of them made a night and day difference!  And they stuck!  I do almost no picking at all now! I feel so much more in control now and confident in myself.  Now I know how to control my urges and I even have way less urges than I used to because of all the exercises we did together!  I am so glad I went to Annette; there couldn’t have been anyone better.  I would recommend her to anyone struggling with this problem in a heartbeat. - Heidi

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