Stop Skin Picking Coach

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Compulsive Skin Picking: Break the Skin Picking Habit in The new year

I'm guessing this is the scenario: It's the start of the new year (or maybe it's later when you're reading this), but you've already broken your resolution to stop your skin picking habit. Again.

Ok, I want you to know firstly that there's nothing wrong with you. It's not because you "should" have more will power. It's not because you're not strong enough.

It's because a compulsive skin picking habit is really more like a skin picking addiction. And unlike an addiction to alcohol or drugs, with picking, the substance is your skin and it's within reach of you all the time!

This all means it's not as simple as you've been thinking it is.

You'll never recover by simply trying harder not to pick. Compulsive skin picking is a complicated beast and you need to learn some tools, you need a change in mindset and you need to know how to apply positive changes consistently to wear it down.

Do I have a lesson for you! This 50 minute video is chock-a-block full of useful advice you can start to apply now for a reduction and eventual freedom from skin picking. Get out your notebook now. You'll definitely want to take notes.

Did you watch it? What did you find most helpful? Did you have any insights that you haven't had before? What’s the most important step you can take right now? If it’s personal support and coaching reach out to me here.

Love and support,


p.s. You might like this post on whether or not you should make a resolution to stop skin picking.