Stop Skin Picking Coach

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Focus on the positive instead of the picking

You are so much more than your skin picking. Yet, what manifests in your life is what you think about. Besides the time you spend picking your skin, how much time do you waste thinking about it? Feeling badly and thinking negative thoughts about yourself because you do it? Think to yourself right now: what might I be able to accomplish with all that time? What might I be able to do with more productive or positive thoughts? How might I feel?

Practice the simple yogic technique of replacing a negative thought with an opposite positive one. I know a man who had great success using this technique as a child, when he was afraid there was a monster under the bed. He started thinking about Santa Claus instead, and felt better. Become aware of your thoughts, and cultivate positivity. You are not your thoughts, so treat them a little lightly. Don't be overly disturbed by negative ones - you don't have to believe them. Just be aware and choose a more positive thought, even if it feels fake or if you don't believe it (at first).

Examine the thoughts that make you miserable. If you tell yourself, "I'm such a loser because I can't stop picking my skin", question it. Do you really have to believe that? Are you sure that's a true statement? Isn't there some other way of looking at it? Would you tell a good friend they were a loser if they did a similar behavior? Treat yourself with the same kindness. When you find yourself thinking those thoughts, see if you can answer them in your head with other, kinder, more positive thoughts.

What are your habitual "thought monsters"?

Love and support,


p.s. Have you downloaded my free "Freedom Kit"? It comes with a written and audio report, "Why you pick your skin and how to finally stop," a video on "how to stop skin picking urges in two minutes flat," and my "Live Free" newsletter in your inbox each month. Learn more here.