Stop Skin Picking Coach

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Fun rewards calendar for motivation to stop skin picking, hair pulling, nail biting, etc.

This comes courtesy of one of my coaching clients, who was happy for me to share her fun and creative approach:

"I've been around the block of many therapies. My psychiatrist was very expensive so I started using this 3 pronged approach at home. My approach uses (1) reward calendar (2) hypnosis (3) pampering.

I printed monthly calendars from which I display on my fridge and bought good old-fashioned kindergarten-style reward stickers. Each day I go pick-free, I get a sticker for the day! It's juvenile and hilarious, which drives me to stick with it. You can even use iphone apps for this.

On days I slip, it's okay. I can STILL get a sticker if I listen to my "Stop Skin Picking" hypnosis audio track, which I have found very helpful. This way, picking is not a "fail," but not doing anything about it is.

Once I accumulate 30 days worth of stickers, I "win" a manicure for myself. I'm still not 100%, but this has been the most helpful system for me and lets me focus on the positives. At some point in your journey, I think it's healthy to turn this into a fun game if you can!"

p.s. Have you downloaded my free "Freedom Kit"? It comes with a written and audio report, "Why you pick your skin and how to finally stop," a video on "how to stop skin picking urges in two minutes flat," and my "Live Free" newsletter in your inbox each month. Learn more here.