Stop Skin Picking Coach

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Heal scars and reduce redness with turmeric

One of my skin picking clients contributed this post. She credits this mask with making bumps go away, as well as reducing redness and healing scars:

Turmeric has become my favorite spice lately because I love the things it does for my skin!  I've tried a lot of homemade and store bought masks and scrubs over the years, but a turmeric mask is the only thing that has actually given me results.  It works as an exfoliator, a brightener and a skin soother.

A quick google search of turmeric will show you a list of benefits, but once of the great ones is that it's anti-inflammatory.  Here is my recipe for the mask, which I use all over my body and face about 4 times/week.

What you'll need:


Aloe Vera Juice

Plain Greek Yogurt

Fresh Lemon Juice

I usually put about 2 tablespoons of turmeric in a bowl, then add a teaspoon of aloe juice and squeeze half a lemon.  I add a small amount of juice at a time so that the mixture doesn't become too runny.  Then I add about a heaping teaspoon of yogurt.

Once mixed, I apply to my skin and let sit for a minimum of 1/2 hour and a maximum of an hour.  I then take a shower and rinse it off.  Beware because it will turn your skin a shade of yellow, but that will go away by the next morning if you rinse well.  I've heard that you can add coconut oil to the mixture if you're concerned about skin staining.

Please note that it's also beneficial to ingest turmeric although there are some medications that it might interact with.  I've been taking a teaspoon a day with some coconut oil.

This mask routine has greatly reduced the bumps on my skin and also reduces redness and scarring. Hope it works for you, too!

Cool!  Turmeric is also antimicrobial, so it may help prevent infections too.

What is your favorite skin treatment?  Have you found anything that reduces the scars caused by picking?