Stop Skin Picking Coach

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Sugar and Skin Picking

Sugar is bad news for our health and skin picking is no exception. While there are many potential triggers for skin picking, sugar is often overlooked. Sugar is a known contributor to inflammation in the body, which affects just about all physical and mental health conditions, including skin conditions and the skin picking behavior.

Inflammation is a natural response to injury or infection, but chronic inflammation can lead to a range of health problems, including skin issues like eczema and acne, and mental health issues like depression and compulsive behaviors. Inflammation can even make skin damage worse and increase the risk of infection.

To reduce the effects of sugar on your skin picking, it’s important to limit your intake of sugar and processed foods. This means avoiding sugary drinks, candy, and other sweets, as well as processed foods like chips and crackers that often contain added sugar. Instead, focus on eating a balanced diet rich in whole foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and healthy fat and protein.

The video above shows metrics of my clients who were keeping track of their picking before and after eliminating processed sugar from their diet. I hope you’ll find it motivating to see what a huge difference this one diet change can make. Watch the video and then go to my post about healthy sugar alternatives.