Stop Skin Picking Coach

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Transparent Dressing for "Bad Areas" of Skin Picking

Nexcare by 3M makes this fantastic product that is very useful for skin pickers trying to stop. It's called Tegaderm transparent dressing - a bandage for wound care, but rather than being Band-Aid-like, it's like a clear breathable sticker that you can wear for up to a week. It's ideal for breaking the habit of picking a certain area, and for letting the skin heal.

When I was learning to stop picking I would use these 4 x 4 3/4 inch ones on my chest. You can barely feel it. For me, it only got really uncomfortable when I sweated during dance class. It's breathable but not THAT breathable, and when the beads of sweat wouldn't go away, I had to take it off. Theoretically you can wear it for a week, but for me half a week was the practical limit.

Have you used this or a similar product?

Love and support,


p.s. Have you downloaded my free "Freedom Kit"? It comes with a written and audio report, "Why you pick your skin and how to finally stop," a video on "how to stop skin picking urges in two minutes flat," and my "Live Free" newsletter in your inbox each month. Learn more and get it here.