Stop Skin Picking Coach

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365 tips to stop skin picking, hair pulling and other BFRBs

I've been posting a "tip of the day" to help you stop skin picking or hair pulling behaviors for over a year and a half now on twitter and Facebook. Here I've compiled 365 of them in this monster blog post that could take you through a solid year if you wanted to read one a day as they were originally presented. But feel free to binge-read now!

#1 is the "tip of the year" because it was the most retweeted and favorited tip. The rest are in no particular order. You may catch a few repetitions of slightly different wording, but hey, we usually need to hear (or read) things more than once, so please excuse the redundancy. If you reach the bottom, leave a comment and get a prize! Ok, just kidding about the prize, but I do applaud your stamina. Thank you for your sustained attention, and I'd love it if you do comment. Please add a tip if you have a fresh one to share!

1. Your "bad day" doesn't erase all the good days on the road to recovery. Don't focus on the bad ones. They will happen.

2. Don't be discouraged when you see people on the internet + nobody's beaten your problem. There ARE many who have + moved on.

3. Can't wake up? Pull or pick in bed in the AM? Put your alarm or phone on the other side of the room to get you out of bed.

4. The best time to start a daily habit (like a breathing exercise, meditation, etc.) is 1st thing in the AM so it gets done.

5. Avoid getting overwhelmed and resentful - say "no" when you need to.

6. If you have trouble with your significant other about your pulling or picking, read this article.

7. Practice mentally observing your physical state, or your breath. You will be present and able to make choices.

8. Get rid of that magnifying mirror. No good can come of that. You're already over-focused on your flaws and imperfections.

9. Stop telling yourself you'll quit pulling or picking on a certain day - it sets you up to feel like a failure and you're not.

10. Your breath is connected to your state of mind. Want yours shallow and tense or deep and relaxed? It's yours to control.

11. Coffee might be making you pick, pull or bite more. You may want to cut down a little or a lot.

12. Cultivate connection, avoid isolation.

13. If you want to remember to do something good for you consistently, make it a habit.

14. Wishing never changes anything. Only action can do that.

Affirmations and Self-Talk for skin pickers and hair pullers

15. Denying myself time for fun and relaxation does not help me get better or be more productive - just the opposite.

16. It's ok to just be. I am a human being, not a human doing.

17. I get back on the horse with minimal frustration and negative self-talk. I look forward to where I want to be.

18. All becomes available to me with the ability to quiet my mind.

19. Am I ready to say goodbye to this behavior, or do I need to first understand the role it is playing in my life?

20. Today I will treat myself with gentleness.

21. Today I'll practice tolerating the urge to pick or pull without actually doing either.

22. I accept confusion and pray for clarity.

23. Shine the light of consciousness, and the darkness cannot stay.

24. When committing to make positive changes in my behavior, I'm open to trying things again that I may have tried before.

25. I pay attention to the food I put in my body and how it makes me feel.

26. My tools aren't there IF I need them; they're there BECAUSE I need them. So I'm proactive and consistent at using them.

27. I set aside / schedule time for my priorities. Otherwise I waste life on things that are urgent but not important.

28. I nurture compassion for myself and others.

29. I do my best to release emotional attachment to whether I pick or pull or not.

30. I am on guard for negative thoughts. I recognize they are useless and destructive, and I choose a better thought.

31. Caring for myself allows me to better care for others.

32. I remember to breathe deeply to calm my mind and body.

33. For something I really want, I will do what it takes.

34. I ask for and seek out the support that I need.

35. I love and accept myself.

36. I gently move my hands away as often as I need, no frustration necessary.

37. I am blessed and lucky.

38. I do my best and I am satisfied.

39. Just this one. How often is it REALLY just this one? Don't believe it!

40. Start small and keep your word to yourself when you say you'll take some positive action.

41. "Make others truly happy as you strive to make yourself happy. Speak a helpful word. Give a cheering smile" Sw. Sivananda

42. Self-discipline is like a muscle - it can be developed or atrophy, depending on whether you exercise it.

43. If there's some circumstance in your life that can't be changed, being upset about it is a waste of time and energy.

44. It is okay to say no.

45. Courage does not mean having no fear. It means taking action despite our fear.

46. Test a food's effect by eliminating it several days in a row. Then have it again. Keep track of behavior + how you feel.

47. 3 food ingredients that can have a big negative effect on picking, pulling, biting, etc. - sugar, caffeine, alcohol

48. Make sure you have some "me" time, other than the time you are picking or pulling.

49. When body is still and mind is going, hands get fidgety. Get some "toys" to occupy them.

50. If you tried fidget toys and found them unhelpful, remember they only work when you use them. Pick them up again + again…

51. Remember that success and failure are on the same road. Success is just further along.

52. Whatever good you did yesterday, do it again today. Consistency is key.

53. Practice being mindful of your urges without giving in.

54. Couple the positive habits you want to make to habits you already have. Like 4-8-8 breathing after you brush your teeth. (Learn it  in the Freedom Kit.)

55. If you pick in the morning in bed, put your alarm clock (phone?) across the room so you have to get up. Start the day.

56. Remember that you are never alone.

57. Exercise gets out that nervous energy so you'll pick, pull or bite less.

58. How many times do you think or say something like "I can't stop?" If you want to stop, you'll need to stop THAT.

59. Take your focus away from your problems and onto appreciation and gratitude for your blessings.

60. When you feel you're too weak to succeed, surround yourself with positive thoughts from others (expl. inspiring reading).

61. Change up your nail length to make you more aware or to prevent picking or pulling. Try super short or long fake ones.

62. Back to the basics - don't underestimate the importance of getting enough breath and water!

63. Watch this video on 4 Steps to Overcome a Devastating Setback with Dr. Cathy Collautt. It's excellent.

64. Between the caffeine and the insane amounts of sugar, blended coffee drinks are a picking and pulling disaster.

65. Many people have found the supplement N-acetylcysteine (NAC) helps reduce their hair pulling or skin picking.

66. Your beliefs are key to everything you experience. The good news is that you can change them.

67. Keep a positive log of all the good things you do each day that lead you in the right direction of your goal.

68. Keeping your blood sugar stable is an important factor in reducing urges to pick or pull. Don't skip meals.

69. One foot in front of the other is a sure way to move forward.

70. We're all different. What works for others may not work for you. You will find what does when you don't give up.

71. Find healthy ways to deal with your stress or you will need to use your habitual ways like picking, pulling, biting, etc.

72. Own up to the fact that what you put in your mouth affects your physical and mental health daily.

73. Are you asserting or denying your needs in relationship to other people? Think about whether these issues affect your picking.

74. Other people don't focus as much on skin or hair as you do. Chances are they're not paying attention to yours.

75. Try these "squeezies" to reduce your urges.

76. Eliminate sugar from your diet and see a massive decrease in picking, pulling, depression, etc.

77. Bandaids over your fingertips prevent you from picking or pulling.

78. Don't underestimate the value of working with someone who will hold you accountable.

79. Stash your tweezers in your car glove compartment so you won't use them on impulse for behaviors you'd rather not do.

80 Thinking "I shouldn't __" gives you no freedom to not do the thing. Thinking "I could __" =  more likely positive outcome.

81. Prioritize getting enough sleep. Do you need to go to bed earlier? It really does make a difference.

82. Focus on making and strengthening positive habits.

83. Learning to overcome persistent negative thoughts and emotions is usually prerequisite to overcoming pulling or picking.

84. If you pick while on the toilet, close your eyes. What do you need to see?

85. Expect setbacks. Practice equanimity, not allowing yourself to get too upset over it nor too high when things go well.

86. Picking and negative emotions are often intertwined. Pick less, feel emotions more; feel emotions more, pick less.

87. You may pick or pull from excess energy. Your body needs exercise to dissipate it.

88. Mistakes are proof that you are trying. Just make sure that next time you try smarter, not harder.

89. Your mind is more powerful than you realize. Doesn't seem so when your thoughts are unfocused or focused on the wrong thing.

90. Yoga is a great tool to not only help you focus your thoughts, but also to reduce and resist urges.

91. Check out Joan Kaylor's videos on how to use EFT to heal hair pulling and skin picking addictions.

92. Are you alone too much? Or continually overstimulated from being out with lots of people? When do you pick or pull more?

93. Gently remind yourself, "look away" or "hands away" as needed. Looking and touching are the triggers.

94. Make a list of all the things that have worked to lessen your pulling or picking. Look at it later to get back on track.

95. Take a walk outside. Simple yet profound medicine.

96. Set a timer for the appropriate amount of time to change, or for a shower, or to use the bathroom. Speed = no picking.

97. Just because you may have already picked or pulled today doesn't mean you might as well give up on the rest of the day.

98. Keep a hairband on your wrist that you can take off and play with any time + anywhere, instead of doing damaging behaviors.

99. If you take gloves off and pick or pull in your sleep, try little bandages over the tips of your fingers.

100. Recognize what needs your pulling or picking is fulfilling, and figure out how you can meet those needs in another way.

101. Don't look back. You're not going there.

102. Super antibacterial, manuka honey makes a good spot treatment for acne. As a mask it will really prevent you from picking.

103. Recognize there is a moment of free will between the need and the action of picking your skin.

104. Practicing self-acceptance will make you MORE, not less, able to stop your problem behaviors.

105. Don't let yourself get too hungry. That can be a big picking or pulling trigger.

106. Change up the length of your fingernails for a temporary increase in awareness and decrease in pulling/picking ability.

107. Be a good friend to yourself. Don't say mean things to yourself that you would never tell a friend or child.

108. If you have PMS with worse picking or pulling, massaging your acupressure points can help.

109. Practice makes better. Perfect is not humanly possible.

110. Don't think there's a pill that will take away this problem all by itself. You need to do some WORK.

111. If you want your picking or pulling urges to go down, remove sugar from your diet. Most people see dramatic results.

112. Tell yourself you can tolerate bumps and imperfections. Question that need to "fix" everything.

113. Keep fidget toys easily accessible in all your picking/pulling locations or you won't use them.

114. Squeeze the sides of your fingertips when you have that wound up feeling that you usually relieve by picking or pulling.

115. People who criticize + tell you how they think you should live your life are not happy with their own. Don't take it personally.

116. Acceptance, not denial, of your circumstances is a prerequisite to changing them.

117. When you're overly focused on your skin's imperfections, think, "I appreciate my skin and all it does to protect me.”

118. Today is a new day, and a new week. What positive action are you going to take today? All week?

119. Keep yourself accountable and not discouraged with this foolproof plan for recovery.

120. When you think, "I'll never get better so I might as well pick/pull," it's addiction talking. Don't let it make you give up.

121. Recovery from skin picking or hair pulling is gradual, with ups and downs. You can't give up when you have a down.

122. Slather on conditioner when you're relaxing at home if it will keep you from pulling your hair.

123. Apply a face mask if it will keep you from picking. (Tips 119-123 adapted from @Trich_Recovery blog (link in 119)

124. Have you seen this app? Secrets of pulling and picking by @joankaylor

125. Get calm and balanced with alternate nostril breathing. This video teaches you how.

126. Exercise can help rid you of excess mental energy, get grounded, calm + feeling good  =  reduce urges to pick or pull.

127. Here is a video with a lot of ideas to keep your hands busy doing other things.

128. Clear mascara can tame those lashes growing the "wrong way" so they don't drive you crazy asking you to pull them.

129. You are amazing. Yes, you!

130. Take up knitting, or even try this finger knitting (video) - occupy hands and calm brain.

131. Meditation involves, in part, sitting still and observing any urge to move w/o acting on it. Can you use this skill?

132. If you're nearsighted, contact lenses can prevent you from looking at your skin closely enough to trigger picking - unfocused.

133. For a week, switch your coffee or black tea to green tea to see if caffeine causes you to pick or pull more.

134. Those who are willing to do what it takes achieve success.

135. Don't use skin picking or hair pulling as an excuse to avoid having a great life now. (from @ocdla)

136. Resist the temptation to constantly check how your hair's growing or your skin's healing. You know where that leads…

137. If acne is a problem for you, remove dairy foods (especially no- or low-fat ones) from your diet.

138. Accept that recovery takes time.

139. Polishing your nails when you come home from school or work will keep you from picking or pulling. From @FletcherTherapy

140. Probiotics have been shown to reduce anxiety. Can they also help you reduce picking or pulling?

141. "Your sexiest curve is your smile" - @ilysebaker. Smiling makes you feel happier, and it's contagious, so spread it around!

142. Small steps taken consistently give big results.

143. Just because a tendency to have a disorder is in your genes doesn't make you helpless against it.

144. A "tingle" head massager can give your head stimulation that may satisfy the urge to pull or pick.

145. Skin picking and hair pulling disorders are like addictions. Don't believe, or feel badly when, you can't stop by willpower.

146. Alcohol can cause increased picking or pulling.

147. Stimulants such as caffeine or ADHD medications can cause increased picking or pulling.

148. When you have a setback, do your best not to beat yourself up. Instead, ask, "What can I learn from this?”

149. Feeling hopeless when you find yourself pulling or picking again only propels you to do more of it. Focus on acceptance and hope.

150. Cover large areas of skin for days at a time with this product to prevent yourself from picking.

151. Exercise courage and go out even when you feel you look bad. Don't let your world close in on you - that feels much worse.

152. Do something nice for yourself.

153. Have a tangle toy or isoflex squeezie in every place you tend to pick or pull - divert your hands to a different activity.

154. Focus on the positive instead of the picking. Or pulling, biting, etc.

155. Study showed this supplement works for some with trichotillomania. Often good for skin picking too.

156. Winter blues? You may need vitamin D, light therapy, exercise, omega-3's, etc. So many natural remedies!

157. Cultivate self acceptance and self love.

158. A face picker at a mirror is like an alcoholic at a bar. You need to stay away if you want to stop.

159. Wash up at the kitchen sink to avoid mirrors if they are a danger zone for you.

160. Remember you are so much more than any role, description, addiction or diagnosis you have, take on or have put upon you.

161. A hot bath at night can relax and drain away urges to pick or pull. Do by candlelight if seeing your skin triggers you.

162. Remember, "Everything is figureoutable." - @marieforleo

163. A little peppermint essential oil on your scalp may give you the stimulation your body is looking for from pulling.

164. If you can't seem to get off sugar, try taking probiotics.

165. Do you "should" all over yourself? Stop that nonsense.

166. Sugar can be a major contributor to picking and pulling.

167. The willpower method, trying to stop an addictive behavior, never works. Haven't you tried that enough already?

168. You don't have to be perfect!

169. Your emotional rollercoaster, up or down on whether you pick or pull, is holding you back. Learn to detach.

170. Eating cold food in winter can increase insomnia, anxiety and related behaviors. More winter tips.

171. Here's a questionnaire to see if you are deficient in neurotransmitters and what you can do naturally.

172. Take a cue from Einstein: "It's not that I'm so smart, it's that I stay with problems longer." #persistence

173. Recognize your tendency to over-focus on _____ and do your best to counteract it.

174. Keep practicing what you've learned. Be persistent. "Practice makes permanent." - @yogatuneup

175. Put honey on your face to keep from picking at it. Good for your skin too!

176. Each day doing a little positive action consistently is more powerful than a lot only every once in a while.

177. Stopping picking or pulling is hard work. It's easier if you don't beat yourself up for doing it.

178. Wear tights if you pick at your legs - while they're on it totally prevents you from doing it! (mostly for the ladies :-) )

179. Make a list of all your pros of not picking or pulling, and look at it often for motivation. (1st thing in AM + last in PM)

180. Pranayama is easy and can help you stop anxiety, panic, picking or pulling. Learn some in this video.

181. "Love the life you have while you create the life of your dreams. Don't think you have to choose 1 over the other.”@HalElrod

182. People with type O blood tend not to do well on a vegetarian diet. Physical and mental health can suffer.

183. You are so much more beautiful than you think! It breaks my heart when I speak to gorgeous women who think they're hideous.

184. Warm oil self-massage can be very grounding and anxiety reducing, especially in winter.

185. Remind yourself "hands away" or "look away" as often as needed in a gentle way, without scolding or impatience.

186. Use bandaids on your fingertips to prevent you from picking or pulling.

187. Here's what to do if indecision makes you pick or pull.

188. Each time you think a negative thought, catch it and replace with an opposite positive affirmation.

189. The app "streaks" is a nice motivation and accountability tool. Helps you track actions you want to take each day, etc.

190. Be a good friend to yourself. Don't say mean or discouraging things to yourself that you wouldn't say to a friend.

191. Food affects skin picking, hair pulling, nail biting, etc. Here's what you need to know.

192. If you want your life to be different, you have to do something different.

193. "When you stop trying to be perfect, then life takes on a perfection of its own." - @BillLevacy

194. Accept how you feel. It's not right or wrong. It just IS.

195. Yoga helps you practice being present in the moment. Only with presence do you have the freedom to choose to not pick or pull.

196. That thought that you have to "fix this"? What % of the time do you end up fixing it and what % do you make it worse?

197. Tap along in this video to defuse the grip of chronic skin picking or hair pulling.

198. Go w/o wheat for a couple of weeks to see if picking, pulling, head and joint aches get better, + then worse when you reintroduce.

199. If you crave chocolate every day, you may be magnesium deficient. Magnesium is an important mineral for feeling calm.

200. Learn my best strategy to stop a picking urge in 2 minutes flat (works for pulling too!)

201. If washing up triggers picking and covering the mirror isn't possible, brush your teeth and wash your face in the kitchen.

202. When you're weary, appreciate how far you have already come.

203. The more ashamed and hidden you are about your picking or pulling, the tighter the grip it has on your life. Tell a friend?

204. Stash pens and pads wherever you tend to pick or pull absently, and then divert your hands to doodle instead.

205. Question your thoughts - they are the major force in your life.

206. Try this - it's grounding, feels good and may reduce your picking or pulling.

207. You are perfect, just as you are. We all are; we simply haven't realized it yet.

Acne tips

208. A spice that reduces redness and scars?

209. Stay away from processed foods - their omega-6 oils cause inflammation, leading to acne and all sorts of health problems.

210. Avoid sugar and low-fiber carbohydrate foods to reduce acne.

211. Omega-3 fats fight acne, plus they are good for your brain, heart, joints, losing weight, and more.

212. Stay away from dairy, especially lowfat and fat-free, to reduce acne.

213. As winter's coming especially, you may need vitamin D supplements for your skin and mood.

214. Get a visual and a feeling of what you really want, whether it's clear skin, lots of hair, to be in shape…

215. First thing in the AM or at night, visualize yourself doing a positive action later that you find hard to do in the moment.

216. Keep a positive log. Jot down healthy actions you do and you may be encouraged to do them more often.

217. Regarding your positive log, set up goals and rewards as an incentive for you to do more.

218. Stay motivated reading a page a day of Pearls: Meditations on Hair Pulling and Skin Picking.

219. Small steps add up. What can you do today that will get you moving in the direction of something you want in your life?

220. A support group can keep you motivated to stop pulling or picking.

221. Water is always a good choice for good health. Many of us are chronically under-hydrated, a stress on the body.

222. Fruit juices can have the same "up and crash" effect on your blood sugar as sodas and energy drinks, although w/ vitamins.

223. Caffeinated drinks like coffee can sometimes contribute to pulling and picking.

224. Alcohol can contribute to picking and pulling, plus interfere w/ sleep. (It has 1st a depressant, then a stimulant effect.)

Sleep Tips

225. Make sleep a priority. Pulling or picking is a lot worse when you don't get enough sleep. Have you noticed?

226. Avoid caffeine past early afternoon (earlier if you're sensitive). Chocolate too - has a similar ingredient.

227. Tryptophan is an essential amino acid that you may not have enough of to sleep well. Trp->5-HTP->serotonin->melatonin -> sleep.

228. Avoid raw and cold food at night (yes, really!). Eat and drink warm cooked food.

229. Don't use bright lights and bright screens for a couple of hours before you go to sleep.

230. Get some outdoor light during the day - a walk at lunch is ideal. Your body will make melatonin --> sleep that night.

231. If you wake up at 2 or 3 AM each night, ask yourself this question.

Sugar and Skin Picking

232. Sugar can have a huge effect on hair pulling and skin picking. Avoid it like the plague.

233. 5-HTP is a supplement that can control sugar cravings and compulsive behaviors. Don't take if you use SSRIs. Check w doctor.

234. Avoid fruit juices too. They have plenty of sugar without the fiber of the whole fruit to slow down absorption.

235. If you want to see the effects of sugar on your mood, energy, picking/pulling, and more, eliminate it for at least a week.

236. Non-sweetened probiotic foods (sauerkraut, kimchee, etc.) or probiotic capsules can help reduce sugar cravings.

237. Stevia is probably the safest sweetener. Maple syrup and raw honey are also better than sugar in small amounts.

238. Eat naturally sweet foods to satisfy a sweet tooth. When is the last time you ate a sweet potato? Delicious!

239. Eating good-size meals containing protein and fat stabilizes your blood sugar and prevents sugar cravings.

240. Sugar also contributes to acne - another reason to stay away.

241. Most sugar cravings come from the sugar you ate the day or few days before. You are multiplying bad organisms in your gut...

242. Make your life sweet. Then you won't depend on sugar to do it for you.

243. Smile. It will lift your mood and make everyone around you feel better too.

244. Resist the temptation to constantly check if your hair's growing or your skin's healing. You know where that leads!

245. Don't confuse needing and wanting. You may feel sometimes you NEED to pull or pick, but if everyone's watching, do u do it?

246. Remember, change doesn't happen overnight. It's gradual and bumpy. Keep at it :-)

247. For skin pickers, easier to avoid looking at your skin than it is to avoid picking once you're already looking. Look away!

248. One of the universal triggers is touching skin or hair, so hands away!

249. Become more aware of what triggers your pulling or picking so you can figure out strategies to prevent it.

250. Remember, nothing is impossible. We all have amazing potential powers of transformation.

251. Try finger knitting to keep your hands busy with something constructive not destructive.

252. Ask your doctor for a vitamin D test. If you are low after the summer you definitely need to supplement for winter!

253. Put some slippery lotion on your hands, if it will help keep you from pulling. #trichotillomania

254. If you won't pull wet hair, keep a spray bottle handy and then wet it to keep from pulling.

255. Set small attainable goals and rewards for reaching them.

256. Remember you are not alone. Millions of other people have, or have had, trichotillomania or dermatillomania.

257. Start with a breakfast with plenty of protein and fat to stabilize your blood sugar for the day. Notice less pulling/picking.

258. Here's a substance that's been shown in scientific studies to help some stop pulling or picking.

259. Accept your picking and/or pulling and the part of yourself that likes doing it. You will be more able to change, not less.

260. Fail better ;-).

261. If bathroom or clothes changing is a problem time for you, set a timer for just enough time to get the job done.

262. The more ashamed and hidden you are about your picking or pulling, the tighter the grip it has on you and your life.

263. Get outside and take a walk.

264. Not your fault. And yet, getting better is up to u. Make up your mind to, and u will find the knowledge and support u need.

265. Understand that it's not your fault that you pick, pull or have any other addictions or compulsions.

266. Probiotics. Read how they helped Mary and the effects of gut bacteria on our psychology and behavior.

267. Set up a reward system to keep you on track and motivated like Sophie.

268. Don't just do what you feel like doing. Do what's aligned with what you really want.

269. Keep a hairband on your wrist to play with. When your hands want to go to your skin or hair, keep redirecting them.

270. Prioritize eating regular healthy substantial meals. It really does make a difference.

271. If you need to relax more, focus on your exhales.

272. When you need more energy, focus on deep inhales.

273. When you're worried, upset or discouraged, put your fingertips lightly on your forehead = emotional stress relief points.

274. Keep your perspective. Whether you pull or pick is not the most important thing in the world.

275. Persistence, persistence, persistence. And some more persistence. Will get you everywhere you decide to go.

276. Put bandaids on your finger tips at key times when you are likely to pull or pick.

277. Sit on your hands and breathe. Deep inhales (abdomen out), slower exhales (abs in).

278. Get out in nature. Very relaxing. Feel your thoughts slowww down.

279. Reflect on what is going well in your life. Appreciate and allow yourself to linger in the feeling of gratitude.

280. When you catch yourself doing an unwanted behavior, remind yourself why you don't want to do it. clear skin, grow lashes,etc

281. Understand all of us have some dysfunctional way(s) of avoiding pain and feeling pleasure, even if it ends up bringing pain.

282. Get enough sleep, and you'll pick or pull less.

283. You can't drive a car looking mainly in the rearview mirror. Envision a positive future. Now. No regrets.

284. Keep yourself accountable. Jot down a "0-10" rating of your picking or pulling each and every day.

285. Challenge yourself with a monthly challenge. Something healthy and positive you don't normally do but you know will help.

286. Next time you have a setback, ask yourself what can you do differently in the future and resolve to do it.

287. If you pick or pull from indecision, schedule your day in advance.

288. Don't just do something; sit there! Learn to be still: practice meditation.

289. Eat breakfast. My clients notice it reduces their compulsive behaviors even IN THE EVENING.

290. The habitual behavior starts sooner. Once you start TOUCHING skin or hair it's much harder not to do it. Hands away.

291. Similar to yesterday's tip (hands away), once you start LOOKING at skin it's pretty much automatic to pick. Eyes away!

292. Be less upset by your "failures" and more encouraged by your successes, no matter how small.

293. If you tend to pick while getting dressed or changing clothes, set a timer and make yourself get it done quick!

294. Make sure you are having enough fun! If not, think of one thing you can do to change that.

295. Press your right nostril closed and breathe deeply through your left. Do you feel more relaxed?

296. Teach your body to relax. There are good (even free!) relaxation and self-hypnosis recordings to help you unwind.

297. Appreciate someone (or several someones) today. :-)

298. Take a moment to appreciate something.

299. You always only have right now. Don't waste a moment regretting the past. Create your future.

300. If you have persistent sugar cravings you may want to look at 5-HTP or L-glutamine.

301. Sugar cravings often come from not eating enough! Be sure you eat real, substantial meals.

302. Focus on what you want, not on what you don't want.

303. Go get the free gifts I have for you on my new website :-)

304. Go barefoot on grass or sand. Ground yourself.

305. Replace "I should" with "I could."

306. Weed a garden - it satisfies your "handsiness," grounds and calms you.

307. Remember, small steps add up.

308. Keep a positive log. Write down strategies and healthy things you did that day and your victories, however small.

309. Notice how different foods affect you.

310. Start the day like Louise Hay. Look in the mirror and say, "______ (your name), I love you."

311. Fiddle with something when reading, sitting in class... Movement helps our brains think. Your go-to is to pick/pull. Replace it.

312. Do "squeezies" to ground and reduce picking or pulling urges.

313. In any situation, it's how our mind interprets it that makes all the difference in how we deal with it.

314. Mantra means "protects the mind". Learn one and repeat out loud and/or silently.

315. Mantras crowd out our typically negative thoughts and allow what we really want to manifest.

316. "Om" is a mantra, said to be the original sound of the universe - takes our minds back from all this crazy to a pure state.

317. Tell yourself 3 compliments. And notice, how often do you do the opposite?

318. HALT - beware of getting too hungry, angry, lonely or tired.

319. Squeeze your abdomen into your back on an exhale to force more air out. Inhale and enjoy the deeper breath. #relaxing

320. Exercise. It clears your head, relaxes your body, increases your energy and reduces urges to pull or pick.

321. Remind yourself not to touch skin or hair. It's much harder not to pick or pull once you are already "checking it out".

322. Start the day with a cup of water. We are not our best when dehydrated. Water relieves stress and increases focus.

323. If you use tweezers to pick or pull, freeze them in a block of ice so they're not easily accessible.

324. Do what's good for you even when you don't feel like it. Discipline is a skill that can be cultivated little by little.

One word tips week:

325. Relax.

326. Trust.

327. Love.

328. Dance.

329. Sing.

330. Laugh.

331. Smile :)

332. Reach out for help when you need it.

333. Omega-3 fatty acids, B-vitamins, and magnesium all naturally and safely reduce anxiety.

334. When you're home, cover up to keep from picking or pulling

.335. Don't judge progress prematurely. Learning means stumbling - is a baby a failure at walking bc she falls down after step 1?

336. Learn yoga and practice, practice, practice.

337. Don't skip meals. Eat something substantial (and not sugary) for a week as an experiment. Notice if you pick or pull less.

338. Hug someone. If no one's around, hug yourself!

339. When you have a setback, instead of despairing and beating yourself up, think, "what can I learn from this?"

340. Eat more fruits and vegetables for your mental health.

341. If SSRIs aren't working for you look into 5-HTP or tryptophan, natural precursors of serotonin in the body. Talk to your Dr.

342. Use a transparent dressing to keep from picking at particularly bad areas.

343. Use as many tools and strategies as you need. Yes it takes time and attention, but how much time are you picking or pulling?344. Get quiet and still. Close your eyes, put your attention on your heart and simply notice.

345. Think of 3 things you are grateful for right now.

346. Use a relaxing essential oil like lavender, either in your bath or alone. As always, breathe deeply.

347. Take a hot bath to relax when you're overstimulated.

348. Adding to yesterday's (hot bath to calm yourself) - if seeing your skin makes you pick, use only a candle or flashlight.

349. Take a walk. Appreciate your body and your surroundings.

350. Stand back from the mirror, look at yourself and smile.

351. Be gentle with yourself. Focus on the positive steps you are taking rather than your pitfalls.

352. Cover your mirrors if you automatically use them to pick.

353. You don't have to be perfect. In fact, you can't be, so just do your best and accept how you are right now.

354. Learn to surrender. You can't control everything.

355. Put your fingers lightly on your forehead for a few minutes to ease worry and stress.

356. Get out of your own misery - do some selfless service. Somebody needs you - volunteer.

357. Can you imagine waiting a few breaths before you pick or pull? - loosen the cycle, change your brain.

358. Say something encouraging to someone.

359. Say something encouraging to yourself.

360. "Trying" makes it harder. Simply do your best and be satisfied with that.

361. Breathe deep slow breaths. Lengthen the exhale to relax.

362. When the weather outside is keeping you inside going crazy, put on some music and dance.

363. Learn to recognize how you feel inside before picking/pulling, so you'll know when you need to get out of that state.

364. What can you change? What CAN'T you change that you waste time and energy in trying to?

365. Remember, you are special for the deep essence of who you ARE, not what you DO or do not do.

Phew, you made it! ;-)

Love and support,


p.s. Have you downloaded my free "Freedom Kit"? It comes with a written and audio report, "Why you pick your skin and how to finally stop," a video on "how to stop skin picking urges in two minutes flat," and my "Live Free" newsletter in your inbox each month. Learn more here.