Stop Skin Picking Coach

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New Year's resolutions - helpful or harmful?

New Year's is always an optimistic time, a fresh slate where we make resolutions to change all the things in our lives that we are unhappy with, that we'd like to be better at, etc.  I wish you all the best in the New Year - whatever you want, you can make it happen!  Yet, when it comes to stopping skin picking or other body-focused repetitive behaviors (BFRBs), I want to add a word of caution about ungrounded optimism.

I don't know how many years I made a New Year's resolution not to pick my skin.  Did it work?  No.  Typically I would be back in action by the end of New Year's Day, disappointed at best, feeling hopeless, resigned and like a failure at worst.  Just because it's a fresh year (one day after the last day of the old year) does not mean you are a radically different, healthier, more balanced person who will be able to stop picking your skin, pulling your hair, chewing your lips or cheeks, or biting your nails through willpower and optimism alone.

Stopping BFRBs like skin picking, hair pulling or any kind of biting is a gradual process and cannot be done cold turkey as stopping smoking can.  (By the way, if you are also a smoker, I cannot more highly recommend the book The Easy Way to Stop Smoking.  Make reading that be your New Year's resolution.)  There are many factors that are likely to be contributing to your BFRB.  The best resolution to make is simply to commit to learning how to stop your BFRB, and doing your best each day with whatever tools and knowledge you have at the time.

If you are not already subscribed to the Live Free Newsletter, your first action can be signing up to receive the Freedom Kit - you'll instantly receive a special report on why you pick, how to stop, plus the newsletter and a video on how to stop skin picking urges (works for hair pulling too!) in two minutes flat.

I am here for you when you are ready to make a commitment to the process of stopping your skin picking or similar behaviors. Contact me to schedule your complimentary Breakthrough Session.

Happy New Year!

Love and support,


p.s. Have you downloaded my free "Freedom Kit"? It comes with a written and audio report, "Why you pick your skin and how to finally stop," a video on "how to stop skin picking urges in two minutes flat," and my "Live Free" newsletter in your inbox each month. Learn more here.